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   Infrastructure & Real Estate Industry
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Adequate housing is a major indicator of the growth path of the nation and the quality of life it bestows on its citizens. The tremendous potential that this industry holds has been appreciated and acknowledged by the government, policy makers and professionals in the industry alike. With liberalization & technological up-gradation, private sector participation in infrastructure services has gained momentum. Today public-private partnership has emerged as a vital tool to build, manage & operate infrastructure services efficiently.

The economic reform initiatives in India have raised the annual growth rate to 5-6%. This has exerted the pressure on the existing infrastructure that is already saturated. It is evident that to sustain and accelerate higher economic growth rate in the county, India needs to build, upgrade and modernize its infrastructure urgently.

  HOT JOBS: Automobile Industry,  Banking & Insurance Industry,  Financial Services & Consulting Industry,  IT Industry,  Infrastructure & Real Estate Industry,  Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Industry,  Manufacturing & Process Industry,  Power & Energy Sector,  Retail Industry,  Telecom Sector
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