Axiomatic Consulting
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   Abroad Recruitment Services of ACS

Axiomatic Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. is an international recruitment agency which offers unique career opportunities to professional job seekers. We recruit personnel for a broad range with many different skill sets to companies all over United States, Canada, Middle East and rest of the world where required by our Clients.

Over the past years, we have developed a highly process enabled approach and evolved. Our continuous endeavour to provide our clients as well as candidates a complete satisfaction at all areas of our work. Our recruiters specialize in placing professionals across industries and functionalities, whether your need is to fill a temporary gap or to hire talent on a full time basis, like, Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Computer), Architects / Town Planners, Computer Programmers, Analysts, Operators, Managers, Accountants, SAP Consultants, Banking Specialist, etc. We approach each assignment with the same focus on quality and precision that you adopt while working towards your organizational goals.

   Professionals Selection Procedures

ACS (P) Ltd is having its own database of Consultants, Technical staff, Operational mamagers for all industries in which we deliver Staffing Solutions and provide vacancies through advertisement also, if required. Vacancy announcement will be as per the demand by the Employer Company and we accept the applications on the basis of following criteria:

  • Advertisement in National daily newspaper or evaluation from our data bank.
  • Short-listing of suitable candidates according to the job description provided by our clients.
  • Interview and screening of candidates.
  • Trade Test for category candidates.
  • Profile of short listed candidates is forwarded to clients for approval.
  • Final interviews.
  • Medical Examination.
  • Financial Position and background investigation.
  • Orientation Programme.
  HOT JOBS: Automobile Industry,  Banking & Insurance Industry,  Financial Services & Consulting Industry,  IT Industry,  Infrastructure & Real Estate Industry,  Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Industry,  Manufacturing & Process Industry,  Power & Energy Sector,  Retail Industry,  Telecom Sector
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